Centered in Christ and committed to educational excellence, Lancaster Mennonite empowers students to change the world through Christ-like love, peacemaking and service. This is a pivotal moment for Lancaster Mennonite, as we bring all students together onto the Lancaster campus in the fall of 2022, and we need you!
Together, we can Light the Future for Lancaster Mennonite students by raising $7 million dollars to upgrade and expand facilities that support and highlight our core curriculum focuses and serve the needs of students of all ages. With your partnership, the future is bright for our World Changers.
Campaign Progress
Generations of students will benefit from this vision that brings together students of every grade level, creating a collaborative learning environment. Many in the Lancaster Mennonite community have already committed their generous support to Light the Future of a unified LM. Will you join them?
Gifts of all sizes are needed to make this campaign a success.
$ raised so far
Raised in gifts
over $50K
Raised in gifts
under $50K
Featured Projects
Click on a project below to learn more.
Campaign News
LM Track Resurfacing Finished!
The Lancaster Mennonite Track was recently resurfaced. Check out the finished product with fresh numbers, lines, and a brand-new running surface! This will make a big…
Construction on the New Middle and High School Entrance and Driveway is Underway!
Construction on the new Middle and High School entrance and driveway is underway! There has already been a lot of exciting progress on the project. When…